Monday, August 29, 2011

We are about there

Well yesterday was the day I think Richard was dreading the most, the farewell talk in church.  He did very well, I was actually quite impressed with his ability to stand in front of a group of people and not only keep his composure, but be able to present a message that was well prepared and thought out.  Our little guy has grown up in ways we didn't even know he had.  We are down to the last full week with him, he gets to wake up in his bed at home just 8 more mornings. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The preparations are about done

Well we have had a time gathering all of the necessary things for Richard to begin his great adventure.  The obvious suits, shirts, ties, but then to actually have to think about things like towels, bed linens, etc.  I thought getting everything rounded up for a vacation or a camping trip was a project.  We have to equip this kid for the next two years for most all possible scenarios.  We are grateful for Richard's willingness to help with the expenses of getting him out.  We only have a few things left on "The List" to get rounded up in the next two weeks.  He is still working this week and next and then he gets to relax for a day after the Labor Day holiday and then it is off to the MTC (Missionary Training Center).  Pray for us the next two weeks will leave all of us feeling like we have been thrown into the washer and sent through the spin cycle.